2023-2024 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı Üniversite Seçmeli Ders ve Üniversite Ortak Zorunlu Derslerinin Sınavları Hakkında Duyuru

2023-2024 academic year spring semester midterm exams of university elective courses and university common compulsory courses are as follows
It is planned to be held on dates and times:

Career Planning: 15.04.2024 at 18.00

Principles and Revolutions of Atatürk II: 16.04.2024 at 18.00

Foreign Language II: 17.04.2024 at 18.00

Turkish Language II: 18.04.2024 at 18.00

USEC: 19.04.2024 

Computer II: 19.04.2024 at 18.00

2023-2024 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı Üniversite Seçmeli Ders ve Üniversite Ortak Zorunlu Derslerinin Sınavları Hakkında Duyuru

2023-2024 academic year spring semester midterm exams of university elective courses and university common compulsory courses are as follows
It is planned to be held on dates and times:

Career Planning: 15.04.2024 at 18.00

Principles and Revolutions of Atatürk II: 16.04.2024 at 18.00

Foreign Language II: 17.04.2024 at 18.00

Turkish Language II: 18.04.2024 at 18.00

USEC: 19.04.2024 

Computer II: 19.04.2024 at 18.00